The Why Way

Society Why is the brainchild moulded by the minds of idea generating marketing wayfarers. With a passion to change the way brands and people interact with each other on digital platforms, we believe in breaking conventional thinking all while shining the spotlight on creative & strategic digital marketing solutions

Ideology Process

From start to finish, we take each step with meticulous care. Standing out is not an easy process but its something we pride ourselves in achieving.


Research & Analyze

One of the most important phases of the process, R&A is how we incubate ourselves in the clients company.

  • Discovery
  • Study your Company
  • Marketing Plan
  • Research and Media Planning

Wire-frame Phase

This is where we create the scaffolding, if you will. We create the framework that will enable us to build a brand with all necessary features and needs.

Concept & Sketch

Creating plans and strategies are always labour intensive but will enable us to produce the best possible brand strategy needed for our respective clients.

  • Creative concept
  • Strategic direction
  • Analytical deep dive
  • Vision process
  • Brand positioning
  • Brand Values

Development Phase

To some, this is the exciting and visual phase. This is where we begin to see the brands materialise into the vision that our clients have been creating for some time.

Design & Brand

Designing and branding is the fist of many Touch Points that allow us to communicate a brands message and persona to the wider audience, hence, this phase because the most invaluable to our clients.

  • Voice
  • Colour Pallet
  • Typography
  • Shape & Size
  • Logo
  • Layout

Promotion Phase

Its always a proud moment seeing your brand out there getting recognised. Marketing and Advertising is the moment things get real, where you realise that its time to stand tall.

Market & Advertise

Once we get to this phase, we should have developed a fully comprehensive communication strategy. We as Society Why, wholeheartedly believe that marketing is 2-way communication method, and not a force fed sales pitch.

  • Activate Strategy
  • Create Stakeholders
  • Execute Marketing Plan
  • Create Top-of-Mind awareness
  • Review metrics and re-strategise

We help you Stand Out.

Branding - Marketing - Website - CI - PPC - SEO - Strategy

If you've found yourself this far into a deep dive of our site, then there's nothing left but to contact us and see what we can do together!


Get in Touch

Our Location
2 Ullswater rd, Pinelands,
Cape Town, South Africa, 7405
Mail Enquiries
Phone Contact
+27 63 9800 145